
Something to Write About

There is always something we want to talk about. It's either to someone who is dear to us or just to ourselves. We never looses topics to blab and something to gossip. But, this just proves that people are social beings, whether its in a positive or negative way doesn't really matter. That's the very reason why I decided to create something like this. Something I want other people to talk about.

What I really like about humans is that they tend to find something that will interest them or satisfy them. Everyone's a living proof of that. Everybody's guilty. If I were to make a book about humans, the first adjective would be "uncontented species." Many examples can be given such as those in possessions, money, fame, glory, life, happiness, and love. But as I've said, I like the uncontented part of humans, because that's what sets us apart from other creatures in this world, regardless of how fatal one can be.

It is because of our uncontentment that we are able to find things we can truly love. We can learn so much from satisfying one's need after the other. Until we find that one thing that we really want to treasure, leaving all the uncontented part of us behind. And having that thing made you realize at that moment that it was worth the search.

I'm telling you, if that's what you think I thought. You've got it all wrong. When we came to find that certain thing that we THINK could satisfy us, we would absolutely want more. The more you get, the more you want. We're just thinking so much ahead of what reality presents us. You can never escape that part until you DIE. It's harsh but its the truth.

As you can see, you are being dragged by my blabbing about human nature. I hope you'll find yourself uncontented after reading this not-so-sensible groups of sentences. Leaving you wanting for more. [Ah! As I thought, I love that part!!]


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